An organisation with a history!
We have been told that Hull’s Historical Association was founded in 1921, but no records of this can be traced, and there is no one now who can tell us more of these early days. In the 1930s Dr Fred Brooks was appointed the Medieval History specialist to the new University College at Hull- and he, assisted by his wife, Dorothy, brought new life into the branch. This momentum continued well into the late 1960s. Former teachers, Pat Aldebella and Jean Thompson, described the stimulus for teachers of branch meetings and opportunities to attend the annual conference.

Several branch secretaries and presidents contributed to the life, and liveliness, of the branch in the 1980s onwards. Professor Howell Lloyd from Hull University was President for two terms of office, and a valuable friend of the branch. Julia Walsh was outstanding in leading us. She persuaded well known historians to visit us: David Starkey was one, and this was a memorable and enjoyed meeting; and in organizing fund raising events.

Buffets with entertaining speakers were a feature, as was the occasion when we enjoyed many samples of port! It illustrated the history of Portugal. Outreach to primary teachers was a new venture when the National Curriculum required history to be taught to all age groups. Conferences and practical training sessions as part of ‘History in Humberside’ were organized during the early 1990s. This photograph of Julia and other teachers daubing wattle houses shows their experience of ‘being Vikings’ really was hands on.
Examples from meetings indicate how we have engaged with a range of topics
- 2015-16 Blasphemy and Toleration in the 1650s
- 2016-17 The American Election of 2016 in Historical Perspective
- 2017-18 The Goths and the Fall of the Roman Empire
- 2018 -19 Henry VIII and the Men who Made Him
- 2019-20 Peterloo and After: A Yorkshire Perspective
- 2021- Zoom lectures (with questions from members)
- Marvell at 400: Marvell and Religion
- Hull: Yorkshire’s Maritime city
- Slavery and Kingston-upon-Hull
- 2021 – 22 Henry V – Agincourt to Beverley and back
- 2022 – 23 Connecting Coronations – The Bayeux Tapestry and 2023
- 2023 – 24 1708! Queen Anne’s London Brought to Life.
Do feel welcome to come to any of the branch talks!